Added to UG By Mikhailo ([email protected])
**D **Ddim5
(repeat as necessary)
G Em7
We were watching TV, Watching TV
G Em7
We were watching TV, Watching TV
Cadd9 A7
Cadd9 A7
Cadd9 C/B A7 D
G Em7
In Tiananmen Square, Lost my baby there
G Em7
My yellow rose, In her bloodstained clothes
Cadd9 A7
She was a short order pastry chef
Cadd9 A7
In a Dim Sum dive on the Yangtze tideway
Cadd9 G/B
She had shiny hair
A7 D
She was the daughter of an engineer
G Em7
Won’t you shed a tear, For my yellow rose
G Em7
My yellow rose, In her bloodstained clothes
Cadd9 A7
She had perfect breasts, She had high hopes
Cadd9 A7
She had almond eyes, She had yellow thighs
C C/B A7 D
She was a student of philosophy
G G/F# Em7
Won’t you grieve with me, for my yellow rose,
G G/F# Em7 D
Shed a tear, For her bloodstained clothes
G G/F# Em7
She had shiny hair, She had perfect breasts
Cadd9 C/B A7 D
She had high hopes, She had almond eyes
G G/F#
She had yellow thighs
Em7 D
She was the daughter of an engineer
So get out your pistols, Get out your stones
Get out your knives, Cut them to the bone
G G/F# Em7
They are the lackeys of the grocer’s machine
They built the dark satanic mills
That manufacture hell on earth
G G/F# Em7
They bought the front row seats on Calvary
They are irrelevant to me
**D **Ddim5
And I grieve for my sister
People of China
Do not forget do not forget
The children who died for you
Long live the Republic
Did we do anything after this
I’ve a feeling we did
G Em7
We were watching TV, Watching TV
G Em7
We were watching TV, Watching TV
Cadd9 A7
She wore a white bandanna that said ‘Freedom now’
She thought the Great Wall of China
Would come tumbling down
G G/F#
She was a student
Em7 D
Her father was an engineer
G Em7
Won’t you shed a tear, For my yellow rose
G Em7
My yellow rose, In her bloodstained clothes
Cadd9 A7
Her grandpa fought old Chiang Kai-shek
Cadd9 A7
That no-good low-down dirty rat
Who used to order his troops
A7 D
To fire on the women and children
Imagine that imagine that
G Em7
And in the spring of ’48
G Em7
Mao Tse-tung got quite irate
G G/F# Em7
And he kicked that old dictator Chiang
Out of the state of China
G Em7
Chiang Kai-shek came down in Formosa
G A7
And they armed the island of Quemoy
And the shells were flying across the China Sea
Em7 C C/B A7 D
And they turned Formosa into a shoe factory called Taiwan
G Cadd9
And she is different from Cro-Magnon man
G Cadd9
She’s different from Anne Boleyn
G G/F# Em7
She is different from the Rosenbergs
And from the unknown Jew
G Cadd9 G
She is different from the unknown Nicaraguan
Cadd9 G G/F#
Half superstar half victim
Em7 Cadd9 D
She’s a victor star conceptually new
G Cadd9
And she is different from the Dodo
G Cadd9
And from the Kankanbono
G G/F# Em7
She is different from the Aztec
And from the Cherokee
G Cadd9
She’s everybody’s sister
G Cadd9
She’s symbolic of our failure
G G/F# Em7
She’s the one in fifty million
Cadd9 D
Who can help us to be free
Because she died on TV