Submitted by Neal
Like silence she stands
Like laughter she falls
From a castle of sand
Like a memory she calls.
And the mocking birds scream
‘Cause they can’t make her cry
They’ll soon start t’believe
That the lady has died.
Aw what it all goes to show Take your Tinkerbell lies
It ain’t may job to say And your weary desires
For who am I to know Take the tears in your eyes
Why She’s Actin’ This Way And your cup full of fire
Aw once again turn away Aw give your lover a call
If you’re sure that it’s done If your legs start to fail
Tell your prophets to pray And he’ll come break your fall
Tell your bandits to run With a bed full of nails.
Take your eyelids of stone No need to glance back again
They won’t do you no harm There ain’t nothin’ to see
Take your cross made of bones Just this drunken old man
And your flypaper arms. And this woman and me.
And when everything’s placed And you’ve made it quite plain
In your coffin of gold That we’re just waistin’ time
Throw a scarf ’round your face And you say it seems strange
‘Cause the subway gets cold That I’m stayin’ behind.
Pack up your sunflower smile But don’t worry ’bout me
And your bandana blues I can make it alone
Take your worthless denials ‘Cause I got no place to be
They’re all you got left to loose. And I ain’t far from home.