Submitted by Rainer Fischer
Dm F Dm
You can’t hold me
Dm C Dm
I’m too slippery
Dm F Dm
I do no sleepin’
Dm C Dm
I get lonely
Dm F G
you can touch me
G F Dm
if you want to
Dm F Dm
I got poison
Dm C Dm
I just might bite you
Lie in circles
on the sunlight
shine like diamonds
on a dark night
ain’t no mercy
in my smilin’
only fangs and
sweet beguiling
Future, he don’t
try to find me
skin I been through
dies behind me
solid hollow
wrapped in hatred
not a drop of
venom wasted
You can slip in
try to find me
hold your breath and
flat deny me
it makes no difference
to my thinkin’
I’ll be here when
you start sinkin’
I found it convenient to play with a capo in the 5th fret so I actually play Am C Am Am G Am and
so on. In the beginning of a line I strum the empty strings and then ‘hammer on’ the three fingers
for the Am. The Fs and Cs are quickly sqeezed in between the other chords. It’s hard to say how
really to play it, it has to be felt (that’s what I tell my band members on every occasion..). It
should by avoided to play the high strings, at least not too often or too loud, especially at the Cs
and Fs (This also makes it easier for the left hand). In between the verses I play a line of bass
d f b(hammer on->)c e d (maybe …f d).
I also would like to add the bass line introducing ‘Fare thee well Miss Carousel’.
Probably invented by the bass player but I like it very much.
b e / (e) f# g# / g# a g# f#/ f# g# e -> E-chord.
Maybe the last bar is just f# f# f#.
And never ask me for a correct notation of the rhythm… RF