Submitted by Neal
My home is Colorado with her proud mountains tall
Where the rivers, like gypsies, down her black canyons fall
Well I’m a long way from Denver with a long way to go
So lend an ear to my singin’, ’cause I’ll be back no more.
Well I left as a young man, not full seventeen
With nothin’ for comp’ny but the wind and a dream
‘Bout all the fast ladies and the livin’ I’d find
When I left My Proud Mountains and rivers behind.
So I roamed and I rambled like a leaf in the wind
Well I found my fast ladies and some hard livin’ men
I sometimes went hungry with my pockets all bare
Lord I sometimes had good luck with money to spare.
Well I made me some friends Lord, that I won’t soon forget
Well some are down under and some are ramblin’ yet
But as for me, well I’m headed for home
Back to high Colorado, never more for to roam.
So friends, when my time comes as surely it will
You just carry my body out to some lonesome hill
And lay me down easy where the cool rivers run
With only my mountains ‘tween me and the sun
Yeah my home is Colorado.