Tuning: Dropped ‘D’ & tune G string up to an A. low to high (DADA)
Sounds cool w/ Chorus
/make this a 6^5 on the last time
. . . . .
_________________________________ ____________________________
/1. /2.
|7/|*– -0—0—–0—0—0—-0*|seems like a million times
|/8|*—————————-*| only 15
^ hammer-on/pull-off
/ slide up
slide down
A . on top of a note indicates that the note is played short.
|–| |—|
|4/| = Time Signature |-./| = Play Previous Bar
|/4| |-/.|
|–| |—|
A Few Notes on this tab. I have to thank the Author of the tab i used as a
He didnt reveal himself in the archive, so ill just thank him anyway.
Some of the Time signatures are odd, but theyre just there so you get an
idea of
how to play it. The 4/4 times are pretty accurate, so this song can be
pretty fast
at times. Takes practice. And rock out at the end, take out some
on your strings, just dont break em…. Thanks for reading! email me at
[email protected], even if it isnt right, it sounds better with a whole
coz i dunno how on earth they get that effect sound.