by Tiamat
Taken from the album
Transcribed by
Mikko Issakainen, [email protected]
The main body of the song is here but the rythm guitar under the solo is
missing and there are some measures in the solo that I didn´t catch. I
hope someone who is better guitarist than me will fill in the gaps. I just
did the boring part of the job.
Do I have some more Tiamat tabs?? No I don´t.
Corrections, comments and additions are are more than welcome!
Ps. I´m currently in the army so I won´t be able to reply very quickly…
Fig.1 (Gtr 1) End Fig.1
Dm A7
(Repeat Fig.1 6 times. 3rd time Gtr 2 starts playing Fig.2 which is
played 4 times.)
Fig.2 (Gtr 2) End Fig.2
Come down, slowly I´m waiting by your side
Verse Fig. (Gtr 1 only)
Dm A7
Come down, carefully I´m waiting by your side
Dm A7 G End Verse Fig.
(Repeat Verse Fig.)
I´ll grab you when you fall Down to the waking hours
Silent sweeps as golden corn Down to the waking hours
(4X Fig.1 with Fig.2 )
(Repeat Verse Fig.)
How I wish that I could Break into your dreams
Do I have the force I need To break into your dreams
(Repeat Verse Fig.)
I hold you in my arms Dimmed by scarlet morning red
I whisper in your ear "Do you dream of me?"
(4X Fig.1 with Fig.2 )
|—-A fast bit with slides, hammer on´s———-| NOTE: The timing
|—-and pull off´s…—————————-| is NOT there. You´ll
|————————————————-| have to get it from
|————————————————-| the record.
|—————–|—8-6-5-6-5—–|———-A fast bit once again—-|
Elec. Guitar:
(Repeat Fig.1 & 2 to the end)
Dm A7
Dm A7
Dm A7
Dm A7
Dm A7
Dm A7
Dm A7 Repeat and fade