By Theatre of Tragedy
Taken from the album Aegis
Transcribed by Roland de Graauw
Send comment, questions or requests to [email protected]
Tune all strings down 1 step (D G C F)
Note that Eirik plays a 5-string, so it may occur that
I transcribe a part an octave higher…
Riff A
F [——————————————————-
C [——————————————————-
G [–7-7-7-7–7-7-7-7–7-7-7-7–5-5-5-5–3-3-3-3–3-3-3-3-
D [——————————————————-
F ——————–] C ——————–] G –3-0-0-0–0-3-3-3–] D ——————–] ! !
Riff B
F [——————–|——————–]
C [——————–|——————–]
G [–7~~——3~~——|–7~~——3~~——]
D [——————–|——————–]
Riff C
F [——————–|———————–]
C [——————–|———————–]
G [–7~——-7~——-|–7~——-7~-(10-9-7)-]
D [-(0)——(0)——-|-(0)——(0)———-]
Riff D (var. on Riff A)
F [———————————————–
C [———————————————–
G [–7-7-7-7–7-7-7-7–7-7-7-7–7-7-7-7–3-3-3-3–
D [———————————————–
F ——————-] C ——————-] G -3-0-0-0–0-3-3-3–] D ——————-]