#This file is the author’s own work and represents their interpretation of the#
#song. You may only use this file for private study, scholarship, or research.#
#– File created with Instab – http://www.pconline.com/~smcarey/instab.html –#
Author/Artist: Tenacious D
Title: Wonderboy
Transcribed by: Jonathan Meisburg
Email: [email protected]
$%&* These guys are good!
Props hehe….
Standard Tuning:
Verse 1
Guitar 1:
—–3———–3——–3——-3—3—–3———–3——-3——-3—3- x3
Guitar 2:
-7—————7————————————————————on 2nd time
—————————————————————————— Around
Not much to say When you’re high above the mucky-muck… Yeaaauh!
WonderBooyeee! What is the secret of your powers?!
WonderBoooyeeeee! Won’t you take me far away from the mucky-muck, man?
Weird story-tellin interlude hehe:
The first half of this interlude is the same riff as the riff used on verse 1
but only playing some notes.Listen to the song to see what I’m talking about…
Here is the tab of this part from that part on:
What powers you ask?….ahh..how about the power of flight, that do anything for you?It’s a limitation
holmes.How bout the power to kill a
yak…from 200 yards away. with mind bullets!
Thats telekenesis kyle! …How about the power to move *you
Then it gotes to that what I said before about picking certain notes from riff 1
then it goes:
A secret to be told A gold chest- to be bold! Blasting forth with three-part harmony!
WonderBooyeee! What is the secret of your powers?!
WonderBoooyeeeee! Won’t you take me far away from the mucky-muck, man?
Guitar 1
Guitar 2 (played when 8 8/10 is played)
Verse 2:
Well Wonderboy and Young Nastyman joined forces And they formeda band The likes of
which have never been seen. And they called themselves Tenacious D….. Thats right!
ME! and KG!(Thats ME!)with (blawh!) TenaAaaaaaaaAacious D! Come fly with me! FLY!
Solo: B
———– X8
WonderBooyeee! What is the secret of your powers?!
WonderBoooyeeeee! Won’t you take me far away from the mucky-muck, man?
Guitar 1:
————Repeat til sound ends:
Guitar 2:
—————-V V V V V
—-9——9————–Repeat til it says:you take the high road I’ll take the low…
High above the mucky-muck Castle made of cloud There sits Wonderboy Sitting oh-so-proudly.
Not much to say When you’re high above the mucky-muck… Yeaaauh! Yeuh! WonderBooyeee!
What is the secret of your powers?! WonderBoooyeeeee! Won’t you take me far away
from the mucky-muck, man? Well now it’s time for me to tell you about Young Nastyman
Who is the arch-rival and nemesis of Wonderboy With powers *comparable* to WONDERBOY!
What kind of powers? you may ask? Oh I dunno.. how about the power of flight, that do
anything for you? How about the power of telekenesis? …How about the power to move *you*?
History of Wonderboy and Young Nastyman… Rigga Goo-goo-, Rigga Riga Goo-goo
A secret to be told A gold chest- to be bold! Blasting forth with three-part harmony!
Yeah! Well Wonderboy and Young Nastyman joined forces And they formeda band
The likes of which have never been seen in Valhalla! And they call themselves
TEnacious D That’s right- ME! and KG! TenaAaaaaaaaAacious D! Come fly with me!