Artist: Switchfoot
Album: New Way to be Human
(c) Meadowgreen Music/Sugar Pete Songs/ASCAP/Khamara’s Last Songs/BMI
Tabbed by: Samuel Johansson
Yet another pretty correct tabbing by moi.
Intro (no bass)
Verse (the bass comes in on the 2nd part of the verse)
G |——————————–
D |——————————–
A |———–3-3—–0-1-2——– 4X
E |-0—3-3———3————–
G |—————2—————————2———-
D |——–3————-3————-3————-1—
A |-3—————————3————————
E |——————————————————
G |————————————— ————————–
D |————————————— ————————–
A |—————-3-3——————– 4X, then end on: –0-1-2——————-
E |-5-3-5—-1-1———3—4-5-3-5—— ————————–
Chorus 2X
Stick (no bass), but enter last chorus with:
G |————————————
D |————————————
A |————————————
E |-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3—-
Some bars without the bass, then play chorus until end.
If you find any errors or find that something’s missing, please mail me at [email protected]
PS. I tabbed it from my memory, so there might be some errors. DS.