From Sex & Religon
Transcribed by steven jellard.
| W ar——————————-| |
| -1 |
verse!!! fill 1 2x 4x fill 1
|—–0—(0)————-0–(0)–0-0-0——0——0—-|——-|do verse
|—–0—(0)————-0–(0)–0-0-0——0——0—-|-2—–|4x on the
|—–3—(3)————-4–(4)–8-8-8–(8)6–(6)4—-|—0—|4th time
|—2——————-2——————————–|—–4-|do fill 1
|——————————————————–|——-|where writen
Pre Chorus!!!
Chorus!!! 2x |
INTERLUDE!!! 1/2 1/2
|—————————– 9~~~———————————9~~~~~–|
Guitar solo
Grad bend——-| w/bar
-2 full P.M P.H -1 switch neck pickup
Grad bend
full full————|
full 1/2 1/2 1/2
grad bend
This was transcribed by steven jellard .
yo!! send me an e-mail if you have any coments or any corrections.
But i think the solo is perfect i used a special machine to slow it down
so e-mail me on:
p.s i am still working on the tab for the whole sex & religon album.
And will be probably getting the tab book so i can tab them out for you.