Here’s how i think it’s played…
Very easy song to learn.
Very easy song to learn.
Main Riff (Verse/Intro)
G ——————–
D ——————–
A ————-6666666
E —7777-8888——–
(Keep playing until you hear the chorus)
G ———————
D ———————
A ————-66666666
E —7777-3333———
The Piano Solo kicks in (pause at this time)
Then i believe you play the 1st verse/intro 2x
then you go into the normal chorus
Please feel free to email me with suggestions,
Or comments, this is my first tab, i give lots
of credit to my friend britt. she kind of figured
the tab i just listened and corrected.
Any q’s: [email protected]
Oh and have fun playing!