Nowhere Kids.
Tunnung:: D-flat
Db Ab Db Gb Bb Eb
Ok guys, and gals, if there are any… This song kick something fierce. It has good meaning
and if you can sing learn to play it and then sing it and you can have a lot of fun. I did a
cover of this song at a friends party and crap as she was leaving for college and even
the people who had never herd the song said that it kicked a$$ and the show was awesome.
This is the kind of song that you have fun play… Sooooo, HAVE A F*CKING BLAST!!!!
/ or = Slide
H= Hammer
~~= Vabrato
Db [————————————————-|———–] Ab [————————————————-|———–] Db [————————————————-|———–] Gb [-5h7-7–5h7-77–9-9-9/101010 5-5-5-5-5-54-4–5-|–5–X-X—] Bb [-5h7-7–5h7-77–7-7-7/-8-8-8 3-3-3-3-3-32-2–5-|–5–X-X—] Eb [-5h7-7–5h7-77———————————5-|–5–X-X—]
This is at the last part of the intro
on the clean and the distorted.
The Vabrato on the verse I think is just because Sean is moving around but it is not
very much… So if you are moving around as you hold the note, you ain’t got nothing
to worry ’bout!
Db [-3——————–3—————————————-] Ab [—3-2~~—————-3-2~~———————————-] Db [—————————————————————] Gb [———5h7-7–5h7———–5h7-7-7-7–4/5-5-5-5-5(4)-5-5-5-] Bb [———5h7-7–5h7———–5h7-7-7-7–2/3-3-3-3-3(2)-5-5-5-] Eb [———5h7-7–5h7———–5h7-7-7-7——————5-5-5-]
Db [—————————————————————] Ab [—————————————————————] Db [—————————————————————] Gb [——5h7-7–5h7-77–9-9-9/1010105-5-5-5-5-54-4–5-5———] Bb [——5h7-7–5h7-77–7-7-7/-8-8-83-3-3-3-3-32-2–5-5———] Eb [——5h7-7–5h7-77———————————5-5——–]
Db [——————————|——————————–] Ab [——————————|——————————–] Db [—————-5-5-5-54-4—|——————————–] Gb [—-5h7-7–5h7–5-5-5-54-4—|–7777–10101010–55555———] Bb [—-5h7-7–5h7–3-3-3-32-2—|–7777–10101010–55555———] Eb [—-5h7-7–5h7—————-|–7777–10101010–55555———]
Play the above 3 times
Verse 2:
Db [—————————————————————] Ab [—————————————————————] Db [—————————————————————] Gb [——5h7-7–5h7-77–9-9-9/101010 5-5-5-5-5-54-4–5-5–x-x—] Bb [——5h7-7–5h7-77–7-7-7/-8-8-8 3-3-3-3-3-32-2–5-5–x-x—] Eb [——5h7-7–5h7-77———————————5-5–x-x—]
Db [——–3——————————————————] Ab [———-3-2~~————————————————] Db [—————————————————————] Gb [——————5h7-7-7-7——4/5-5-5-5-5(4)-5-5-5———] Bb [——————5h7-7-7-7——2/3-3-3-3-3(2)-5-5-5———] Eb [——————5h7-7-7-7———————-5-5-5———]
Db [—————————————————————] Ab [—————————————————————] Db [—————————————————————] Gb [——5h7-7–5h7-77–9-9-9/101010 5-5-5-5-5-54-4–5-5——–] Bb [——5h7-7–5h7-77–7-7-7/-8-8-8 3-3-3-3-3-32-2–5-5——–] Eb [——5h7-7–5h7-77———————————5-5——–]
Db [——————————|——————————–] Ab [——————————|——————————–] Db [—————-5-5-5-54-4—|——————————–] Gb [—-5h7-7–5h7–5-5-5-54-4—|–7777–10101010–3—(3)——-] Bb [—-5h7-7–5h7–3-3-3-32-2—|–7777–10101010–3—(3)——-] Eb [—-5h7-7–5h7—————-|–7777–10101010–3—(3)——-]
Play the above 3 times
Db [——–0——0———0——–0–0————————-] Ab [————0–0————0—–0–0————————-] Db [———-2—-2————–2—2–2————————-] Gb [—————————————————————] Bb [—–0—————-0—————————————-] Eb [–3—————-3——————————————-]
/ / / /
Db [————0–0————|———0————————]
Ab [———0–0–0————|——0–0–0———————]
Db [———2–2—————|——2–2–0———————]
Gb [—————————-|————0———————]
Bb [–0–0———————-|————0———————]
Eb [–3–3———————-|———————————-]
Db [————————————|———————-x—] Ab [————————————|———————-x—] Db [————————————|———————-x—] Gb [—5h7-7-7-7-7-5h7-7-7-7-7-5h7-7-7–|–5h7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-x-x-] Bb [—5h7-7-7-7-7-5h7-7-7-7-7-5h7-7-7–|–5h7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-x-x-] Eb [—5h7-7-7-7-7-5h7-7-7-7-7-5h7-7-7–|–5h7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-x-x-]
The last part of the 2 above measures don’t really sound like they are the same as the rest
so I took a guess anfter listeing to it and this is what I came up with. Feel free to correct.
Db [—————————————————————] Ab [—————————————————————] Db [—————————————————————] Gb [——5h7-7–5h7-77–9-9-9/101010 5-5-5-5-5-54-4–5-5——–] Bb [——5h7-7–5h7-77–7-7-7/-8-8-8 3-3-3-3-3-32-2–5-5——–] Eb [——5h7-7–5h7-77———————————5-5——–]
Db [——————————|——————————–] Ab [——————————|——————————–] Db [—————-5-5-5-54-4—|——————————–] Gb [—-5h7-7–5h7–5-5-5-54-4—|–7–10–3–5–1–(1)–1——–] Bb [—-5h7-7–5h7–3-3-3-32-2—|–7–10–3–5–1–(1)–x-1——] Eb [—-5h7-7–5h7—————-|–7–10–3–5–1–(1)–1—2—-]