he was the bass for P.О.D. (i dont realy like that band) b4 they got famious (if
thats how u spell it). im preaty sure that these tabs are 100% correct. u can
make corrections if u want but im not gunna put my email in this cause i dont
want anymore junk mail then i already got. now 4 the tabs…i dont have solo yet but
ill add that later(if i feal like it)
tunning (low to high) Eb Ab Db Bb Eb
|-5-5-5———————xx-3-3-3-| x2
above x4 above x4
|-5-5-5———————xx-3-3-3———————-| x4
above x6 above x4
|-5-5-5———————xx-3-3-3———————-| x4
thats all i no 4 now…ill post the rest when i no it.buy