(Savage Garden)
Asterisks (*) indicate a solo is there–check the bottom for the corresponding
solo tab.
If I’ve tabbed out a solo, sometimes next to it will be the note translations
{in curly brackets} so that people with other instuments can play it also.
intro: G Bm C2 Cmaj7/D C6 (x3)
G Bm C2 Cmaj7/D C6
here i go again i promised myself i wouldn’t think of you today
G Bm
it’s been seven months and counting you’ve moved on
C2 Cmaj7/D C6
i still feel exactly the same
G Bm
it’s just that everywhere i go all the buildings know your name
C2 Cmaj7/D C6 G Bm
like photographs and memories of love steel and granite reminders
C2 C D
the city calls your name and i can’t move on
C2 D
ever since you’ve been gone the lights go out the same
the only difference is you call another name
to your love to your lover now
C2 *
to your love the lover after me
G Bm C2 Cmaj7/D C6
G Bm C2 Cmaj7/D C6
am i all alone in the universe there’s no love on these streets
G Bm C2 Cmaj7/D C6
i have given mine away to a world that didn’t want it anyway
G Bm
so this is my new freedom
C2 Cmaj7/D C6
it’s funny i don’t remember being chained
G Bm
but nothing seems to make sense anymore
without you i’m always twenty minutes late
**C D C D C
and time goes by so slowly the nights are cold and lonely
i shouldn’t be holding on but i’m still holding on for you
solo: (x2)
e|————————-0-3-5————————- } {note translation-}
B|—1-3————1-3–3——–| { G C D; G A A B;– }
G|-0—–0-2-2-4–0—————| { G C D; D E G A — }
D|——————————————————- }
G Bm C2 Cmaj7/D C6
G Bm C
here i go again i promised myself i wouldn’t think of you today
G Bm
but i’m standing at your doorway
i’m calling out your name because i can’t move on
(chorus twice)
G Bm C2 Cmaj7/D C6 G
e|—-3-7-3-2-5v———————— } {note translation-}
B|–3————| { D G B; G F# A — }
G|————————————– }
D|————————————– }
**Bridge solo:
submitted by david tyson ([email protected])