played by samhain
song: descent
This doesn’t represent the exact duration or
amount each note is hit. Listen to the cd,
and you’ll pick it up. Any questions, feel
free to write me at [email protected]
Standard tuning
G ——————————————-
D ——————————————-
A –0-0————1————————-
E ——4-4–3-3-3—————————
each note is struck 16 times
G ———————————————
D —–0–1–4———————————
A –3——————————————
E ———————————————
G ————————————————–
D ————————————————–
A –3-3-3-3———1-1-1-1————————-
E ———-3-3-3-3———1-1-1-1–0-0-0-0——–
G —————————
D —————————
A —————————
E –0-0-0–0-0-0–0-0-0——