#– File created with Instab – http://www.pconline.com/~smcarey/instab.html –#
Author/Artist: Ra
Title: Do You Call My Name
Album: From One
Transcribed by: Andrew Hitchcock
This is a great song and it is also my first tab
This tab is 99% right the only part i’m missing is the guitar in the
background. The whole song is there for you. You do not have to backtrack
during anypart of my tab.
The song is played in Standard Drop-D Tuning
this is not the whole into… it starts 20 sec. into the song
|_______play this the 1st and 3rd times____|
|__play this the 2nd and 4th tiems___| |___let it ring out____|
|___________________________play whole thing TWICE_____|then this—^^^^
–There is a lot of right hand brake muting (stopping sound with hand)
^Tens^_____________________^Tens^_________________ play the whole part x2
|_______Play the whole thing TWICE_________| ^then play this^
there is a part with no guitar then this is played
^Tens^______play whole thing TWICE____________| then
play this the 1st and 3rd time
play this the 2nd and 3rd time gets heavier
^tens^____play whole thing Twice______________|
|________________play whole thing x4_________| (let ring out ^^)