From the Brick shthouse tab archive.
Tabbed by Ian Edwards.
A really weird tune especially the lyrics. Instead of having chorus,
pre-chorus, outro, verse etc… I will list what order the riffs go in
after tabbing them all out.
Song Order:
Riff A ( x 8 )
Riff B ( x 2 )
Riff C
Riff B ( x 2 )
Riff C Type 2
Riff D ( x 2 )
Riff B ( x 2 )
Riff C
Riff B ( x 2 )
Riff C Type 2
Riff D
Riff B ( x 2 )
Riff C Type 2
Riff D ( x 4 )
Riff E
Thats all!! Looks hard but its just getting it in the right order
which takes a bit of practice. Until the next albumn, see ya!
Ian Edwards – [email protected]