"Another Brick in the Wall pt.2" Repeat 4X
G ——/——————–//———————–//———————-
D ——/——————–//.———————.//———————-
A ——/–R1——–R1——//.—-3-5—5-5-0-0-3–.//——————–
D —5–/——-0————//—0——————-//—5—–5—–5–5-
To Guitar Solo
G ————————————————————-/————
D ————————————————————-/————
A ———–5-3-5—5-5———-3—–3-5—5-5———–3–/————
D —5-5-5-5————-7-7-5-3——0———–7-7-5-3——/-0———-
NOTE: Then repeat the whole song starting from the single bar line at the
beginning of "Another Brick in the Wall pt.2." Keep going until you reach
the single bar line that has "To Guitar Solo" above. Then go straight to
the next part written below. This part actually starts a measure before the
Guitar Solo Repeat until the end
G ———————//——————————————-//——
D ———————//.—————————————–.//——
A —–3-5—5-5-0-0-3 //.—5-3-5—5-5-0-0-3——3-5—5-5-0-0-3.//——
D —0—————–//————————-0—————–//——
Then, as I wrote in the tab, just repeat that until the end. Well,
that`s it. I hope that you find this accurate, and that it enlightens you
in some way.
RX Rest X number of measures
/ Simply denotes the beginning or the end of an important part of the song
// This is a repeat.
G ——/——————–//———————–//———————-
D ——/——————–//.———————.//———————-
A ——/–R1——–R1——//.—-3-5—5-5-0-0-3–.//——————–
D —5–/——-0————//—0——————-//—5—–5—–5–5-
To Guitar Solo
G ————————————————————-/————
D ————————————————————-/————
A ———–5-3-5—5-5———-3—–3-5—5-5———–3–/————
D —5-5-5-5————-7-7-5-3——0———–7-7-5-3——/-0———-
NOTE: Then repeat the whole song starting from the single bar line at the
beginning of "Another Brick in the Wall pt.2." Keep going until you reach
the single bar line that has "To Guitar Solo" above. Then go straight to
the next part written below. This part actually starts a measure before the
Guitar Solo Repeat until the end
G ———————//——————————————-//——
D ———————//.—————————————–.//——
A —–3-5—5-5-0-0-3 //.—5-3-5—5-5-0-0-3——3-5—5-5-0-0-3.//——
D —0—————–//————————-0—————–//——
Then, as I wrote in the tab, just repeat that until the end. Well,
that`s it. I hope that you find this accurate, and that it enlightens you
in some way.
RX Rest X number of measures
/ Simply denotes the beginning or the end of an important part of the song
// This is a repeat.