Artist: Pantera
Album: Far Beyond Driven
Tabber: Niall ‘Clitz’ ([email protected])
Tuning: D, G, C, F (low to high)
Note: was a bitch trying to figure out the tuning. for the verses some people may
argue that they are ALL dead notes instead of open D’s, but I think I hear Rex
using Open D’s sometimes, its your choice. Tone/Treble up!
X – Dead Note
– Slide
|F|———————————| x4
Second Intro Part (remember you can variate with Dead notes and Open D’s)
Verses (x2)
Riff 1 (if you use a pick, up and down picking is advised)
Chrous (I’m not to sure about this)
that should be it, I find tabbing out pantera pretty hard but I tried my best,
heres to whoever requested it on BTA. Hollow is coming soon