Vulgar Display Of Power
Ok Here’s 2 riffs that I know are right so…
riff a Play twice
riff a play 2 times
riff a play 2 times
riff a
|-777 7–777-7–777-7–777-7—777-8-7-8—7—-x——————-|
Riff B
Of anyone has any idea of the chord he uses during the verses,
let me know, closest thing I could come up with is this
[email protected] | Check out Fear Factory’s new
Face Down Arms out | Album-Demanufacture.
Nailed to the Cross of Doubt | It’s fuckin’ KILLER
Blood Runs Like Rain |**********************************
Drowning for this world in vain |Fav Bands
Crown Of Black Thorns |Megadeth/Slayer/Pantera/Sepultura
Human Skin, Ripped and torn |Fear Factory/Machine Head/CoC
Where is Your Savior now? |And My Own.
–Burton C. Bell/Fear Factory|