Song: Download
Album – Back From the Dead
Tabbed by: Henrique Oliveira
E-mail: ([email protected])
Tune down 1/2 step
Intro 2 times
|–Repeat 2 times—||———|
Riff 1
|–Repeat 4 times—||———|
Riff 1-A
|–Repeat 4 times—|
Riff 2 5 times
Riff 3
Repeat Riff2 4 times
Riff 4 4 times
Riff 3 again with a litte modification on the end
Repeat Riff 2 5 times
Repeat Riff 2 4 times under the solo
Repeat Riff 2 4 times after the solo
Riff 3 again with a litte modification on the end
|–Repeat 4 times—||———|