-8—8–8—-7–7-7—5–5-5-5-5-5—1–1-1—3–3-3——3—————-] repeat two times
repeat first part once
C Em A F G C
—–0—–0–0–0–0–0–1–1–3–3–0——————————– } x2
did ya ever goto sleep with bo derek, and wake up with bo didley?
did ya ever goto sleep with bo derek, and wake up with bo didley?
C Em A F G
got so loaded you thought that shes the most beautiful girl you ever did see
C Em A F G C
well did ya ever goto sleep with bo derek, and wake up with bo didley?
trumpet solo with the verse and chorus x1
C Em A F G
woke up in the mornin to your surprise a couple melons in tube socks with buggley
C Em A F G C
well did ya ever goto sleep with bo derek, and wake up with bo didley?