Artist: Nickleback
Album: Silver side up
Author: James Devereux
Email: [email protected]
This is A correct tab. It’s easy to play, don’t be confused by the tab. Learn the chord
shapes first and then start stumming away.
RHYTHM: Listen to the song to hear the guitar rhythm, its loose and strummy in the
verse untill it gets to the picking parts and the chorus. The chorus is strong and
firm, don’t forget to hit the dampened strings inbetween each chord for rhythm.
x – dampen the strings by just ‘touching’ the strings with your fretting hand
ADDITIONAL NOTES: Each section seperated by ‘|’ counts as 1 bar (4/4 rhythm). See
bottom of Tab for chords and chord shapes.
DROP D TUNING: Tune the bottom low E string down to D
—–Intro/Verse—– (Clean Electric guitar)
-G—-5——5—-5–5—–5—-x—x–|–3——3—-3–3—–3—3–3— X 2
-G—-5—————8——–8——-|——————–3 Let ring—-
Switch to distortion for these two Bars
Palm Mute
—–CHORUS—– (Heavily Distorted Electric Guitar)
-G—-5—–5—-x–x——————|–3—–3—-x–x—————– X 2
Slight variation here, at each rest don’t let the note ring through. You can
hear this in the song.
And…. Back to before
For the last 4 bars, aim to produce a wall of sound. Let the last note in each
bar ring out for two beats.
Thats it!
Song Order
Chord shapes: Some of these may look hard. But in the actual song they aren’t.
x – don’t play string
Csus2 Csus2/F B(flat)Csus2 B(Flat) Csus2/F
E(flat) B(flat)6sus4 C5 E(flat)5 B(flat)5 F5
Fsus2 E(flat)sus2 E(flat)5 V2
CLOSING COMMENTS: Do not ever ever ever spend time writing out guitar tabs, its
probably one of the most boring, annoying things you can ever do. I was supposed
to be revising for GCSE’s now I will… its more fun! Anyway, hope this tab is helpful
at my expense >:|