my life with the thrill kill kult : a daisy chain 4 satan
from the album confessions of a knife…
written and performed by the thrill kill kult & the bomb gang girls
from the album confessions of a knife…
written and performed by the thrill kill kult & the bomb gang girls
transcribed by paul j. amberge *this is my own work*
G ||—————————————————————–||
D ||*—————————————————————*||
A ||*——————————–9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-7-6–*||
E ||-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7——————————-7-||
the same riff is continuously repeated through the entire song, listen to the
song to get the rhythm right