Band: Mudvayne
B s=slap p=pluck ^=bend v=release
Intro this might look off, but you know how it goes
[——-14-14/15—14——-12—I——————————–] (the bend part)
strum p s s s p s s s
p s s s p s s s
gradually play louder
Verse v-play these the 1st time only, then play the ones in ()
And we hide behind…. Lies, anger, hate, they shoo love away…
[0-0-1-0—1-0-0-0-0-1—X——-I0-0-1-0-1-2-X-0-0-0-0—1——-] let 1 ring
Build shells of ourselves outside….
come on.. step out!… of your rind… assemble strength [————————3-3—3-3—3-3—3-3–] [———————————————–] [1-1—1-1—1-1—1-1—1-1—1-1—1-1—1-1–] [———————————————–] trust me to hold your hand through, and i turn and walk away…
[——————————–I——————————] [——————————–I——————————] [1—1—1—1—3—0—1—1—1—1—3———————-] [——————————–I———–0—0—3—2—0–] eclipse..[————————1412—X—X—X—X—1210———–]
you and…
(last one)
[——————————–I——————————] [——————————–I——————————] [1—1—1—1—3—0—1—1—1—1—3———————-] [——————————–I———–0—0—3—2—0–] spit upon my plate….
push everything away from me…
verse 2
[——————————–I—-5————————9–] [—-0—————————I————————–/7—-] [—————————7—-I——X————7————] [0-X—–X—-0-0-0-0—-/7——X——–X—-0–/7————–] s s p s s p s sAnd we sever all ties.. it creates disruption midst circle of friends
[——————————–I—5p0——————–9—-] [——————————–I————————–7—-] [—————————7—-I——————7————-] [X-0-0—X—-0-0-0-0—-/7——X-X—–X-0—0-/7——X——–] s s p s s s p
I become sacrifice…..
then theres a ton of these
(im just gonna tab this once cuz youll know where they go)
(last one before singing)
s s s s s s strum
singing starts
I walk under clouds of gray…
sphere of storms in my head..
im trapped again in endless rain,s s s s s s strum
I divorce the….part
I divorce the love bled meaningless, I divorce the makeshift harmony
[0-0-0-0-0—-0-0-0-0-0———-I0-0-0-0-0—–0-0-0-0-0———] I divorce the taunting acts of violence, i divorce the pastime of jealousy
it changes to this
[——————————–I——————————–] [—————————–3/7I——————————74
[0-0-0-0-0—-0-0-0-0-0—0-0—-I0-0-0-0-0—–0-0-0-0-0—0-0—] rpt
in this mutha fu*king bullsh*t life
Slow part
(this part youre going to hold down the E and B strings on either the 11 or 10 frets,
I’ll note which ones, then tap the notes indicated with your right fingertips.)
(most of you already knows what he does here…just makin sure)
(hold the 11’s) hold the 10’s
(guitar comes in)
hold 11’s hold 10’s
I spit up on my plate, and i disrupt the family
Last one
hold 11’s (all 10’s and 12’s)