song: Everything and Nothing
band: Mudvayne
great song, thought we needed a version written for a 5-string tho so here ya go,
and by the way, a fretless really helps, playin it with my fretless Carvin with
the mid’s fairly high, the high’s halfway, and the low’s halfway gets the sound.
All credits to Mudvayne for a great song. Lastly I did this at 2 in the morning
so plz tell me if anything is wrong with it at [email protected] so I can fix it.
Intro 0:07
G ——————————————–|
D ——————————————–|
A ——————————————–|
E ——————————————–|
B -0–0——0–0——0–0——0–0——1/-|
Verse 0:17, 0:45 x3
G ————————–|—12—10—9—8—9—11-|
D -2–2———-2–2——-|-9—-7—-6—5—6—8—-|
A ——0–0–0——-0-0h1-|—————————-|
E ————————–|—————————-|
B ————————–|—————————-|
G ———————–|—7—6—8—-10–11–12–|
D -2–2——-2–2——-|-4—3—5—7—-8—9—–|
A ——0-0-0——0-0h1-|—————————-|
E ———————–|—————————-|
B ———————–|—————————-|
Chorus 0:36, 1:05
G ——————————————–
D ——————————————–
A ——————————————–
E ——————————————–
B –0–0–1-1-1–0–0–1-1h2——————
G ——————————————–|
D -7-7-7-7-7/9-9-9-9-9-9/10-10-10-10———-|
A -4-4-4-4-4/6-6-6-6-6-6/7–7–7–7———–|
E ——————————————–|
B ——————————————–|
G ————————–|
D ————————–|
A -0————————|
E ————————–|
B —3p2-0–2p0-0–2h3-2-0–|
Pre-bridge 1:46
G —————————————|
D —————————————|
A —————————————|
E —————————————|
B -0–0——0–0——0——-0–0——|
Bridge 1:56
G —–6–5—–6h8——————-8–7–6-|
D —4—————–6–4—-4-7-5———-|
A -7——–7—————-7—————-|
E ——————————————–|
B ——————————————–|
G —–6–5—–6h8——————–15-16-18-18-|
D —4—————–6–4—-4-7—————–|
A -7——–7—————-7—–7—————|
E ————————————————-|
B ————————————————-|
Bridge outro
G -4h5–4-2–0–3—4-11—–|
D —————————|
A —————————|
E —————————|
B —————————|
Heavy Section 2:26, 2:38
G —–1–5–1——1-|
D —4———–/4—-|
A ——————–|
E ——————–|
B ——————–|
Chorus 2:29, 2:41
G ———————–|
D ———————–|
A ———————–|
E ——1-1-1——1-1h2-|
B -0–0——-0–0——-|
G ——————————————–|
D -7-7-7-7-7/9-9-9-9-9-9/10-10-10-10———-|
A -4-4-4-4-4/6-6-6-6-6-6/7–7–7–7———–|
E ——————————————–|
B ——————————————–|
G ————————-|
D ————————-|
A ————————-|
E ————————-|
B -3-3p2-0–2p0-0–2h3-2-0-|
Outro 3:12
G ————————-|
D ————————-|
A ————————-|
E ————————-|
B -0–0–3–0–0—3-0-3-0-|