Wildside – Girls Girls Girls
Tunning : Standard E tune ( E,A,D,G,B,E)
Hi everyone : ) this is the first tab ive sent in so if anybody can add or subtract to it please feel free to do so as
your imput can only help us realize our mistakes and good qualities….
I’m a huge Motley Crue fan and have been since Too Fast For Love ,i mean these guys can rock…a note about Wildside
and what i notised when i first sat down to learn it is that it’s not as difficult as everybody says it is but then again every
guitarist out their has there own opinion on how things should or shouldn’t be played….i believe its what you feel in your
soul that helps you express what you feel on the guitar on any other instrument for that matter so i’ve tabbed Wildside the way i hear
it and as i said earlier if anyone can help me out with adding or subtracting that will help myself and alot of others in their search to
play the way they’ve always dreamed……thanks
the songs starts with an open E and using your tremlow bend to G
opening riff :
|————————————————————————————————————————————————————————| |———————————————————-|
|——————-8—–5———————-8——5——|—————6——-3———|———————8————5————————| |———————–6———5—————-6———5————-|
|————–7———-5—————-7————5——|———-5————3———|————–7——————-5————————-| x 2 |——————————————–5—————————-5–|
|———5—————5———-5——————5——|—–3—————–3———|——–5————————-5————————-| |————————————————————————–|
|————————————————————————————————————————————————————————| |———————————————————-|
|————————————————————————————————————————————————————————| |———————————————————|
bridge :
That’s it folks it reeats itself and pretty much goes along those lines………..enjoy
If you can correct me or have anything to add my e-mail is [email protected]