Song: Drowned in your blood
Album: Chainsaw Dsimemberment
Tabbed By: Lord Ishamael
I dont actually own this album anymore, so i dont remember if there are any
variations on these riffs. I DO know that what i have here is 100 percent
coorect. enjoy!
Tuning: G#
Bass (throughout song)-
Gtr. riff 1(Gtrs. 1&2)-
Riff 2-
Gtr 1-
| Gtr 2-
Riff 3:
Gtr 1-
| Gtr 2-
um, i think thats all. im sure ill get plenty of hate mail for tabbing
another mortician song (like always), but my email address is
[email protected]. send any inquiries there.
*also* i have more tabs by deicide, mortician, and jungle rot if anyone
wants them.
-Lord ishamael, the being of infinite cruelty