Artist:morbid angel
Album:formulas fatal to the flesh
Version 1.1
Tabbed by sytry
Send any comments or corrections to: [email protected]
Notation: b = full bend / = slide up a.h. = artificial
r = release = slide down harmonic
~ = vibrato h = hammer-on tr = trillo
. = palm mute(pm) p = pull-off t = tapping
Tuning: Eb Bb Gb Db Ab Eb
. . . .
riff A,
verse: blessed be.. x2
very fast..listen closely the song to get the feel
chorus x4 enter gtr 2 and gtr 1 the stay the same x4
then riff A,verse,chorus,riff A ending with F5
I’m not really sure with this
riff b x2 riff c x4
gtr 1 . gtr 2 gtr 1 gtr 2
then riff b again x2,riff c x2,then solo
slow bar down
by now that’s all i can tab……
riff bx2,riff c x4, riff b x2,riff c x2
tapping solo(again I’m not really sure)
T:left hand tapping, t:right hand tapping
listen the song for timing,a lot of delay
repeat x2
T T t t T T t t T T t t T T t t T T t t T T t t
then the intro,riff A,verse X2,chorus x12,then
the end.
enjoy with this masterpiece!
it was really diificoult to tab this …formulas has a very swollen sound(i like it very much)
for comments,correction…[email protected]