G13 C
A horse is a house of course of coures
and no one can talk to a hourse of course
G7b9 G9 G7#9 G7 C
That Is of course unless the hourse is the famouse Mr.ED
Go Right to the source and ask the hourse
he’ll give you the answer that you’ll endorse
G7b9 G9 G7#9 G7 C
He’s always on a steady course Talk to Mr.Ed
A horse is a house of course of coures
and no one can talk to a hourse of course
G7b9 G9 G7#9 G7 C
That Is of course unless the hourse is the famouse Mr.ED
Go Right to the source and ask the hourse
he’ll give you the answer that you’ll endorse
G7b9 G9 G7#9 G7 C
He’s always on a steady course Talk to Mr.Ed
I havent ever seen this tab before on the net and it makes a great punk cover
my band is goin to do it