Casino, Cha Cha Degregorrio and most of the cast in one place. It’s a combination
of the tab and chords, as there are parts where the gutiar part changes to just
chords, then back again. This is how it should be played on stage, so might sound
different to the film (never seen the film so I couldn’t comment). I’ve also
included the cues as to when to change tempo, and the tempo/feel changes too.
Most of it’s repeats from earlier songs in the play.
PIANO CUE (8 bars)
D7 Gmaj9 E7 Cmaj7 D7
4 5 6 7 8
Gmaj7 E7 Cmaj7 D7 Gmaj7 E7
9 10 11 12 13 14
A7 D7 Gmaj7 E7
15 16 17 18
Cmaj7 D7 Gmaj7 E
19 20 21 22
Cmaj7 D7 Gmaj7
23 24 25 26 27
D7 Gmaj7 C7 Gmaj7 faster
28 29 30 31 32
enter Cha-Cha and Kenickie
C, F, G (33-36)
C, F, G, C, F, C, G7 (37-40)
C, F, G (41-44)
C, F, G, C, F, C7 (45-48)
F, A (49-52)
D, D7, G7 (53-56)
C, F, G7 (repeat for safety), C, G7 (57-60)
Marty: I had a hickey on my neck
C C piano cue (63 to 65 incl)
61 62
66 67 68
D G A G D G A B7
69 70 71 72
E A E A7 D G
73 74 75
A B7 Em7 A7 D A7
76 77 78
D G E7 A7
79 80
D G E7 A7
81 82
83 84 85
D D G A B7
86 87 88
E A E A7 D
89 90 91
Roger: Are you crippled?
A B7 Em7 A7 D
92 93 94
C, Am, F, G7*8