Transcribed By: Black Metaller ([email protected]
Tune to C
Begining Bass Riff w/Distortion
Riff A
Riff B
Riff C
Riff D
Riff E
There’s a pick scrape after this, just include it in riff e
Riff F
Riff G
Riff H
The solo at this point is, like all of the
other solos on this album, random and frenzied.
It’s basically just a bunch of high pitched tremolo
notes. Play Riff H under the solo.
Riff I
Bass Riff
Riff A x2
Riff B x12
Riff C x8
Riff D x4
Riff C x4
Riff D x4
Riff C x4
Riff D x4
Riff E x1
Riff D x8
Riff C x4
Riff D x4
Riff F x1
Riff G x1
Riff H x23
Riff D x4
Riff C x4
Riff D x4
Riff I x1