Band: Lifehouse
Album: No Name Face
Im a huge Lifehouse fan and when i saw the posting of
Hanging i went balistic. The whole thing seems right
but i have a few corrections to make. Don Fisher
([email protected]) did a good job at it, but
just by playing it 24/7 to learn it, i noticed a few
minor things wrong. here is my take on it. this is my
first time submitting a tab so please have some faith.
First off, try playing in E flat rather than Drop D,
sounds better.
G—12/1-1~— *repeat several times
before going into the chorus riff:
(you’ll know when u play with song what im talking
Chorus 1 Riff:
A—-2–0–5– —2–0——
G———— ———0— *repeat 2 times
——–7———— ——–7————-
D—-5-7—777-9-7-9-7 —-5-7—777-5-4-0—
A–5—————— –5——————-
G——————– ———————-
*repeat as many times needed…timeing is really
tricky so pay attention
Chorus 2 riff:
A–2222-0000-5555–5-6-7- –2222-0000-5555-5—–
G———————– ——————-5-0-
*repeat about 4 times
Interlude 1:
A–554-554-554-554–556-556-556-556 *repeat 2 times
and go into secound interlude with:
Interlude 2:
G————–22222——- *repeat 2.5 times
Then– go back to intro…then to verse..then to
chorus 2…and end with chorus 1 riff.
ok, this was my frist time tabbing a song so please be
gentle. send any words of advise to
[email protected]
peace and happy playing,