Song- The Science of Selling Yourself Short
Album- Anthem 2003
Tabbed by Brian Holmes 9-14-03
Each dash is an 8th note on this song, a tilde is the amount of counts a note is
held over. This helps me express the way the rhythm is played and the length of each note.
/ = up slide = down slide. This is a rad song, and its really laid back and
chill. I got the rhythm pretty accurate in the tab if you know how to read it,
but listen to the song to get it perfect. All the notes are right, so have fun. Later kids.
VERSE x5 VERSE ending
G ——————————- |——————————–|
D 3-3~–3~7-7~–7 -0~–0~—-2~5~|-3-3~–3~7-7~–7 -0~–0~——-|
A ————————3~3~— |————————-3~3~–3|
E ——————————- |——————————–|
CHORUS (Intro)
G ——2—————2—————————————–|
D 0–0-3——–2-0–0-3——–2————–25—————–|
A ——–0–0-3———-0–0-3——-05-3–3——–05-3~~~3~~~-|
E ——————————–3–3————3–3————|
G 3-3~–3~————————3-3—3————————-
D ——–3-3~–3~——–2~–2~3~——–3-3—3———2~–2~3~
A —————-3-3—3~–3~——————–3-3—3~–3~—-
E —————————————————————-
G 3-3~–3~————————3-3~–3~————————|
D ——–3-3~–2~——–2~–2~3~——–3-3~–3~——–2~–2~5~|
A —————-3-3~–3~–3~——————–3-3~–3~–3~—-|
E —————————————————————-|
VERSE x2 VERSE (With a high note)
G——————————– |———5-5~–5—————-
D-3-3~–3~7-7~–7 -0~–0~—-2~5~|-3-3~–3~——–0-0~–0~—-2~5~
A————————-3~3~— |————————-3~3~—-
E——————————– |———————————
VERSE (Ending)
G ——————————–|
D -3-3~–3~7-7~–7 -0~–0~——-|
A ————————-3~3~–3|
E ——————————–|
CHORUS (Intro)
G ——2—————2—————————————–|
D 0–0-3——–2-0–0-3——–2————–25—————–|
A ——–0–0-3———-0–0-3——-05-3–3———05-3~~~3~~~|
E ——————————–3–3————3–3————|
Chorus (with turns)
G 3-3~–3~————————3-3~–3~————————
D ——–3-3~–2~——–2~–2~3~——–3-3~–2~——–5~3~2~3~
A —————-3-3—3~–3~——————–3-3~–3~——–
E —————————————————————-
G 3-3~–3~————————3-3~–2~————————|
D ——–3-3~–2~——–2~–2~3~——–3-3~–2~——–5~3~2~3~|
A —————-3-3~–3~–3~——————–3-3~–3~——–|
E —————————————————————-|
G ———–2~————————–3~~~2~3~—-5~———-|
D 0~0—0–03—-0~———–2~——————-3~3~–3~2~~~2~~~|
A —————0~0—0–03—-3~-1~1—1~————————|
E —————————————————————|
G ———–2~————————–3~~~2~3~5~5~~~5~5~~~5~~~|
D 0~0—0–03—-0~———–2~———————————–|
A —————0~0—0–03—-3~-1~1—1~————————|
E —————————————————————|
Chorus (last time, a lil’ different)
G 3-3~–3~————————3-3~–3~————————
D ——–3-3~–2~——–2~–2~3~——–3-3~–3~——–5~3~2~3~
A —————-3-3—3~–3~——————–3-3~–3~——–
E —————————————————————-
G 3-3~–2~————————3-3~–2~————————|
D ——–3-3~–2~——–2~–2~3~——–3-3~–2~——–2~–5~–|
A —————-3-3~–3~–3~——————–3-3~–3~–3~–3~|
E —————————————————————-|
VERSE x2 (ending) Fast part (ending)
D-3-3~–3~7-7~–7 -0~–0~——–|-3-3~–3~——320-0~————
E——————————– |———————————
Fading out (ending)
G ———2~–2~3~————————-5~3~2~——————|
D -3-3~–3~–3~—-0-0~–0~———3-3~–3~——3~0-0~–0~——–|
A ————————-1~~~~3~~~————————1~~~3~~~|
E ——————————————————————|