Band Less Than Jake
Album Anthem
Tabber Eaiddhi([email protected])
Tuning Standard(EADGBE)
Verse 1
|-44444444-44444444-22222222-44444444–| repeat x 2
P.M. …………………………..
Chorus (A)
Guitar 1st line
Guitar 2nd line
Guitar 1st line
|-22222244-66666666-44444444-22222222–|-2– x 24 —|
Guitar 2nd line
|-44444444-44444444-44444444-99999999–|-9– x 24 —|
|-7-77-77-7-7-79——-| repeat x 2
Verse 2
|-44444444-44444444-22222222-44444444–| repeat x 2
P.M. …………………………..
Chorus (B)
Guitar 1st line
Guitar 2nd line
Guitar 1st line
|-44444444-66666666-44444444-22222222–| repeat x 2
Guitar 2nd line
|-44444444-44444444-44444444-99999999–| repeat x 2
Guitar 1st line
|-22222244-66666666-44444444-22222222–|-2– x 24 —|
Guitar 2nd line
|-44444444-44444444-44444444-99999999–|-9– x 24 —|
Verse 3 ( Change B key to C )
|-55555555-55555555-33333333-55555555–| repeat x 2
Guitar 1st line
Guitar 2nd line
Guitar 1st line
|-33333333-77777777-55555555-33333333—|-3- x 24–|
Guitar 2nd line
|-55555555-55555555-55555555-1010101010101010–|-10- x 24 –|
Solo ( Guitar 1st line )
Guitar 2nd line
Then play Chorus (B)
This song is very simple and easy. If you have any questions or comments just mail me!