There are some subtle notes that are missing from this tab but otherwise its
pretty close I think. Drop D tuning by the way.
Intro / Verse ‘Accoustic’
E |——-4————–2–0—–|———–4–0–4–2————-
B |-6—–4–0—–4—–2–0—–|—–6—–4–0–4–2————-
G |-6—–6–6—–4—–4–4—–|—–6—–6–6—–4————-
D |-6—–6–6—–4—–4–4—–|—–6—–6–6—–4————-
A |-4—–4–4—–2—–2–2—–|—–4—–4———————-
D |——————————-|———————————-
Chorus ‘Electric w/ distortion’
E |——————————-|———————————-
B |——————————-|———————————-
G |-6————–4————–|—–6————–2————-
D |-6————–4————–|—–6———–4–2————-
A |-4————–2————–|—–4———–4–0————-
D |—————-2————–|—————–4—————-
E |——————————-|———————————-
B |——————————-|———————————-
G |-6————–4————–|—–6—————————-
D |-6————–4————–|—–6———–4–4————-
A |-4————–2————–|—–4———–4–4————-
D |—————-2————–|—————–4–4————-
Solo (over accoustic intro/verse) ‘Electric w/ Distortion & Delay’
E |——————————-|———————————-
B |———-9——————–|———————————-
G |————-6–6—–6–8–10-|—-6—————————–
D |——————————-|——-6—–4–3—————–
A |——————————-|———————————-
D |——————————-|———————————-
This last part is done on a keyboard. This is the guitar transcription. A heavy
flange effect with some chorus can be made to sound pretty close. This passage
is repeated over and over untill the end of the song.
E |——-11-9———–9——–9———————————-
B |——————————————————————
G |-10-11———-10-11—-10-11————————————
D |——————————————————————
A |——————————————————————
D |——————————————————————
Thats pretty much it. If someone figgers out a better way to play it let me know.