I’m not sure if this is right at all….. It sounds ok, but i’m just not
sure. Since the song is quite fast, you might wanna tune up the lower A to a
C, and then f.e. play 0-1–0-1–0-1 instead of 3-4–3-4–3-4 in the first
riff. Please e-mail me about corrections! And also e-mail me if you think the
tab is correct! Thanx…
Martin ([email protected])
Riff 1 x8
G ——————
D ——————
A ——————
D —————3-3
A 3-4–3-4–3-4—–
Riff 2 x4
A —————————————————————–
D —————————————————————–
A 3–3–5–3–3—– let the note ring -3–3–5–3–3—– don’t let the note ring
Riff 1 x8
A ——————
D —————3-3
A 3-4–3-4–3-4—–
Riff 2 x4
A —————————————————————–
D —————————————————————–
A 3–3–5–3–3—– let the note ring -3–3–5–3–3—– don’t let the note ring
Riff 1 x8
A ——————
D —————3-3