Piano tab
Tabbed by Leebop – [email protected]
Any questions, just email me.
How to read this music:
–This is similar to reading regular sheet music.
–The top four lines represent the treble clef, the bottom four
represent the base clef.
–The notes aren?t in there exact position, but they are close.
–The notes lower than the base clef lines are in the low octaves.
|——————-| The 1st note is middle C
|——————-| The 2nd note is the C one octave
C higher than middle C.
The 3rd note is the C one octave
|——————————-| below middle C.
|——————————-| The 4th note is the C two octaves
|——–C———————-| below middle C.
—-Alicia Keys – Fallin’——–
Theme (repeat through whole song)
| D D D D |
| B B A A B B A A |
F# D
| D D D D D D D |
| B B B B B B A A A A A A B B B B B B A A A A A A |
F# D
F# F#
| |
| |