With my ego in my gut
My babbling mouth would wash it up
C D#
(But now I’ve started learning how)
Dm Cm Gm
I keep it shut
My door was never locked
Until one day a trigger come, cocking
(But now I’ve started learning how)
I keep it shut
Wide eyes would clean and dust
Things that decay, things that rust
C D# Gm
(But now I’ve started learning how)
Dm Cm Gm
I keep ’em shut
Dm Cm Gm
I keep ’em shut
Dm Cm Dm
Harm is in us
Cm Gm
Harm is in us, but power to arm
Dm Cm Dm
Harm is in us
Cm Gm
Harm is in us, but power to arm
Dm Cm
Harm is in us (“Leave it open!”)
Dm Cm Gm
Harm is in us, but power to arm
Проигрыш: Gm Dm Cm – 2p.
Narrow mind would persecute it
Die a little to get to it
(But now I’ve started learning how)
I leave it open
I kept it in a cage
Watched it weeping, but I made it stay
C D# Gm
(But now I’ve started learning how)
Dm Cm Gm
I leave it open
Dm Cm Gm
I leave it open
Harm is in us
Harm in us, but power to arm
Harm is in us
Harm in us, but power to arm
Harm is in us (“Leave it open!”)
Harm in us, but power to arm
Harm is in us
Harm in us, but power to arm
Harm is in us (“Leave it open!”)
Harm in us, but power to arm
Harm is in us
Harm in us, but power to arm
Dm Cm Dm
Harm is in us
Cm Gm
Harm is in us, but power to arm
Заключение: Gm Dm Cm – 24p.