– slide down to ~ – vibrato
" – tremelo picking
Tuning: C (C,F,A#,D#,G,C)
Feedback in the key of C starts off
in this song, from the previous song (Moonshield).
Riff A (lots of echo, reverb, slight flanger, and delay)
| |
(End Riff A)
Repeat Riff A 4 times, but on last time the bass rhythm ends
differently, although the notes stay the same.
Riff B1
| |
(End Riff B1)
Repeat Riff B1 twice, but on the second time the bass rhythm ends
differently although the notes stay the same.
Then, continue to repeat Riff B1 with riff B2 underneath,
and end the bass rhythm differently on the last time.
Riff B2
————————————————-| GTR II
| |
|-12-(12~)-(12)——–9-10———————————| GTR III
————————————–12~–(12)-| GTR II
| |
–14——————————-12————| GTR III
triplet *
|-9-9-9–7-9—-9—————| GTR II
| |
| * |
9—–9————-| GTR III
(End Riff B2)
*The last note of B2 overlaps the 1st chord in Riff C
Note about Riff C:
The slides in this riff are audible and are definitely
there. However we are not sure if they are simply caused
from moving from one chord to the next or if they are
being consciencely played. However they are there.
Riff C
|-/2———————————–5-4-5—5——–| GTR I
| . . . . |
| |
|–2—————————————–4—4-5—-| GTR II
| |
| |
———————————4—4-5—-| BASS
(End Riff C)
Riff D
|| . . . . . . . . . . |
|| |
. . . . . . . . . .
| 2.
| . . . . . || |
| || 2. |
. . . . . (End Riff D)
This is the bass line for Riff D; On the second repeat the
rhythm ends differently, but the notes stay the same
Play Riff A twice
Note about Riff Ex:
1. The slides in this riff are audible and are definitely
there. However we are not sure if they are simply caused
from moving from one chord to the next or if they are
being consciencely played. However they are there.
2. The power chords that appear in ghost notes are audible also.
However, it is impossible to tell whether or not these chords are
being played or whether or not they are caused from frequency
drop outs. Only In Flames themselves whould know!!!
Riff E1
|-2———–2-0-2-4-2-0————–5-7——| GTR I
| . . . . . . . . . |
| |
|-2————————————2-4-5—-| GTR II
| . . . . . . . . . |
| |
————————————| BASS
Riff E2
|-2————/2-0-2-4-2-0————–5-7——| GTR I
| |
| |
|-2(2)———————————–2-4-5—-| GTR II
| |
| |
————————————| BASS
Riff E3
|-2(2)———-2-0-2-4-2-0————–5-7——| GTR I
| . . . . . . . . . |
| |
|-2(2)———————————–2-4-5—-| GTR II
| . . . . . . . . . |
| |
————————————| BASS
Riff E4
|-2(2)———–/2-0-2-4-2-0————–5-7——| GTR I
| |
| |
|-2(2)————————————-2-4-5—-| GTR II
| |
| |
————————————| BASS
Play Riff A until fade out.