This song is tabbed in Drop D tuning and it’s the best song I’ve heard so far from Idlewild
guitar 2 comes in with a slide down the strings then the above riff is continued
but the open D5 is played at the end of the sequence.
guitar one strums this G#5 the whole time, but seems to emphasise slightly on the
parts indicated. (played throughout verse)
if I know, what I know, then no1 will watch over you…
this is the second guitar’s verse part below
repeat the 2 above sections 3 times, then play
guitar 1
guitar 2 (fills the gaps of guitar 1)
^strum out the chords
how long will we, go on, it’s the modern way of, letting go
that should be all the parts of the song put together, not really the hardest of
songs to play, but a good one. any questions, leave a correction or e-mail
[email protected]
Lyrics (
If I know, what I know, then no one will watch over you
So someone shouldn’t really tell me what I want to know
I know, I owe, and I know that matters don’t matter as much
As you think they do
You will only be yourself
When you can never be yourself
And you will only be yourself
When you understand what you know
How long, will we go on with a modern way of letting go,
tell me how long will we go on with the modern way of letting you go?
If I know, what I know, losing isn’t learning to be lost
It’s learning to know when you’re lost
If I know, what I know,
I’ll want to make the most of what it seems like
You will only be yourself
You can never be yourself
And you will only be yourself
When you understand what you know