email:[email protected]
(t)= tremelo picking
^ = bend up, some thing like this 12^1
> = bend down
~ = vibrato-wiggle the string
p = pull off
h = hammer on
* = harmonics
pm= palm muting
/ = slide up
= slide down
x = left hand palm mute
guitar:1 (distortion)
Guitar:2 (distortion and wah peddle
you play it at the same time as intro 1
im not to sure how many times
guitars: 1 and 2
then play
Guitars 1 and 2:
then play:
Intro:1 x2
Intro:2 x2
Everything else
then repeat intro:1 x2
and Intro:2 x2
I’m sorry but that’s all i got for right now if u like it then email me.