Title: Tip Your Bartender
Tuning: Dropped D (DADGBe) Low to high
Tabber: [email protected]
Tuning: Drop D
There are alot of variations in this song. Mostly done by the lead guitar.
Its quite easy to hear them but i’l tab them for you anyway.
Intro: Mute the strings after each set of open strings
|———————————| x2
Rhythm: Mute the strings after each set of open strings,
apart from the last set of 1’s, let these ring for a little.
|——————————————| x3
|————————–| Play this on the last time of the Verse
Lead: Not so much lead, just another guitar
|——————————————| x2
Throw a bit of wah on this one ^
Put alot of wah on this part and just keep doing it
Chorus: This is where it gets confusing
|————————-| x2
|————————-| x2
On the second time through the Chorus play this at the end:
just keep bending up til the next part
On the third time through the Chorus play this:
|————————-| x2
|————————-| x2
And finally, on the last time through, play this:
|————————-| x2
Then play a Verse, except at the pasue before the next
Chorus, play this:
Keep bending the eight slightly untill the
next Chorus
Then play a Chorus
Bridge: Theres a bit of feedback playing in the background,
but i think both guitars play this part.
PM. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
|——-13-13-13——-13-13-13——-13-13-13————-| x3
PM . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Lead: I’ve seen a few live videos and stuff and this is
definatly how its played.
Just hit eacfh one about 6 times. Its played extremely fast.
Play each one 2 times.
End of Interlude:
PM . . .
Wait for the rest of the bar and then play the
higher Chorus:
|————————-| x2
|————————-| x2
On the second time through the Chorus play this at the end:
just keep bending up til the next part
On the third time through the Chorus play this:
|————————-| x2
|————————-| x2
And finally, on the last time through, play this:
|————————-| x2
Lead: I think this is whats played after the above
is played once:
End part 2:
Something like that^
Very end: Yea i know…
Both guitars.
PM . .
Let that last open bit ring for ages and thats it.
Yet another awesome tab by The Legend