Wednesday’s song
Shadows collide with people
Tabbed by Chlpo ( [email protected] )
Standard tunning
names of chords aren’t correct
Cmi A#* Fmi F* G# D#
e –3– –8– –8– -13– –3– –4– –6–
b –4– –6– –9– -13– –1– –4– –8–
g –5– –7– -10– or -13– –2– –5– –8–
d –5– –8– -10– -15– –3– –6– –8–
a –3– –x– –8– -15– –x– –6– –6–
e —– –6– —– -13– –1– –4– —–
A# C# D#* F* Bmi
e –x– –4– –x– –1– –2–
b –6– –6– –8– –1– –3–
g –7– –6– –8– –x– –4–
d –8– –6– –8– –3– –4–
a –x– –4– —– –3– –2–
e –6– —– —– –1– —–
intro: Cmi A#* Fmi Cmi F
Cmi A#*
You’ll make it through the day
Fmi Cmi F*
See things another way and behold
G# D# Fmi
Listen to Wednesday’s Song
G# D# Fmi
This night you go home alone
A# Cmi
How the sane go upright
A# F*
How you look another night
Cmi A#*
You’re back under my hat
Fmi Cmi F*
And even knowing that you’re a whore
G# D# Fmi
Nothing ever meant more
G# D# Fmi
Than switching rooms through a door
A# Cmi
Оuт into another one
A# F*
Frames flash inward
And you know
G# D# F C#
I have seen the world enough
G# D# F C#
I’ve drowned in my throughts alot
G# D# F C#
Deep in rains that swirl above
G# D# A#
I canceled heaven I concede
A#* Fmi D#* Cmi F* Fmi* Bmi
Cmi A#*
Another word to say
Fmi Cmi F* F* Fmi* Bmi
When everything’s О.К. you go down
Cmi A#*
And pulling up the slack
Fmi Cmi
And never coming back
An alarm
G# D# Fmi
Ringing to set the sun
G# D# Fmi
No one ever becomes
A# Cmi
What others thought they should’ve been
A# F*
Inside they’re what they can see
C# G# D# F
You know I do miss this girl
C# G# D# F C#
To show I am in a swirl of sun
G# D# F
Being what I’ve got
The joy
G# D# A#
I canceled heaven I concede
G# D# A#
Everything that I belive
G# D# A#
I canceled heaven I concede
outro: A#*