# This file is the author’s own work and represents his #
# interpretation of the song. #
# You may only use this file for private study, scholarship, or #
# research. #
Song title: Last To Know
Album: Seven Worlds Collide / One Nil
Words and Music by Neil Finn and Wendy Melvoin
Copyright © 2001 EMI Records Limited
Tabbed by Paul Hammond ([email protected])
Note: I prefer the live version of this song, as heard on the album
Seven Worlds Collide, to the the better-known studio version,
so this transcription combines elements of both.
h – hammer on, p – pull off, s – slide
D A7sus4 Em7 Gadd9
D A7sus4 Em7 G
D A7sus4 Em7
I’m way down the track, I made the wrong turn,
finished up where I started
D A7sus4
You noticed the change come over me
Em7 G D
fell in love with my own reflection, yeah
A7sus4 Em7
How does it feel beneath your own wheel,
G F#m
feel like an accident waking up
G A7sus4 A7
under a bus with my fingers crossed
F#m G A7sus4 A7
Now is the time we could make it up
So you lost the fear, it wasn’t that bad
left to your own devices, yeah
Still a young girl, eyes on the clock
tick like a motor running out
Magnets and words up on the fridge
speak to the poet in all of us
F#m G A7sus4 A7
well I missed the page that you thought about,
F#m G A7sus4
you drew in the frost on the window pane
D Gadd6 A7sus4
And who I wonder
D Gadd6 A7sus4
could fail to notice
D Gadd6 A7sus4
the aching silence
Bm F# G* Em
come down?
Bm F# G* Em
I’m humble now Yeeeeaaaah
I hope you might come back
in your own time
left to your own devices
And so that’s how it goes,
never the first, always the last to know
D x00232
A7sus4 x02030
Em7 022030
Gadd9 3×0233
G 320022
F#m 244222
A7 x02020
Gadd6 xx0030
Bm x24432
F# 244322
G* x55433
Em 022000