e -4-4-7-7-4-4-7-7-4-4-7-7-12–12-10-10–
b –5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5–12———-
g ——————————-9–9–9-
d ————————————— (x2)
a —————————————
E —————————————
e ——————–
b ——————–
g -13–15–16–16–14- Play over the second of the above.
d -x—x—x—x—x–
a -11–13–14–4—12-
E ——————–
e ————————————————-
b ————————————————-
g ———–4-4——-6-6——-5-5——4-4——
d -2-2——-4-4-(x14)-6-6-(x14)-5-5-(x6)-4-4-(x6)-
a -2-2-(x14)-2-2——-4-4——-3-3——2-2——
E -0-0———————————————
* * * * *
* = Palm Muting
On the verse b4 the interlud bit and chorus u dont play the palm muting on the
last two chords.
e -4—4-4—7—7-7—7—7-7–5—4-4–4–
b –5-5—5—5-5—5-5-5-5—5–5-5—5–5-
g —4—–4—4—–4—4—–4–4—–4—
d ——————————————
a ——————————————
E ——————————————
The second part of the intro is played with this (sorry its cramped, i cant be
bothered with two lines)
e —————————————
b —————————————
g —————–6——-5——4——
d -2——-4——-6-(x16)-5-(x8)-4-(x8)-
a -2-(x16)-4-(x16)-4——-3——2——
E -0——-2—————————–
e ————————————-12-10————-
b ——————————————-12-10-12-10-
g -12-13——-12-13——-12-16————————-
d -14-14-(x15)-14-14-(x15)-14-14-(x15)——————-
a ——————————————————-
E ——————————————————-
e ————————————-16-15-12-10—–10/4-
b ————————————————-12——-
g -12-13——-12-13——-12-16—————————-
d -14-14-(x15)-14-14-(x15)-14-14-(x15)———————-
a ———————————————————-
E ———————————————————-
e -7—–7—–5—–4—–4—–
b —5—–5—–5—–5—–5—
g —–4—–4—–4—–4—–4-
d ——————————-
a ——————————-
E ——————————-
e -7—–7—–5—–4—–
b —5—–5—–5—–5—
g —–4—–4—–4—–4-
d ————————-
a ————————-
E ————————-
You can listen to the song and find out what goes where from this, but it sounds
pretty good.