#– File created with Instab – http://www.pconline.com/~smcarey/instab.html –#
Author/Artist: Melissa Etheridge
Title: Like the Way I do
Transcribed by: Eric Somdahl
Email: [email protected]
This tune is in standard, recommended guitar setting is MusicMan Stingray! 🙂
The block of ?’s in the chorus section indicates that you should insert your
own lick! Any ol’ minor pentatonic (Dm7) slap lick will do (that goes for
most all of the fills).
The bridge is just a rhythmic variation on the chorus, and for the sake of
brevity I’ve left out all of the repeated notes in the chorus.
The double-stop after the first chorus is probably not quite right
Leadin Main verse Pre-chorus
Chorus post-chorus