Thanks guys good job we have almost the entire CD
This is a great interactive Net when everyone chips in and helps.
I’d like to see more interactive participation like this project
Can anyone post the others?
Thanks to the many contributors
Signe : Attached Thanks to Geir Fuskeland
Before You Accuse me Attached
Hey Hey Attached
Tears in Heaven Attached
Lonely Stranger Attached
Nobody Knows You … Attached
Layla Attached
Running On Faith Attached
Walking Blues Anyone out there got it??????
Alberta Attached
SF Bay Blues Attached
Malted Milk……………Anyone ????
Old Love Attached
Rolling and Tumbling .Anyone ????
SIGNE -Eric Clapton (Unplugged)
The hard part of this song is to get the timing right.
Start by playing the chords only when listening to the CD.
Then, add the bass notes, and finally the hammer-on’s and pull-off’s.
I don’t remember the exact order of the parts, but you’ll find out.
(Try: Intro, Part 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 3, 3, 1, 1, End )
————–0—-]————–0—-] play ]—————] —–2—–0——-]—–2—–0——-] this ]–2———0–] —–2—–1——-]—–2—–1——-] a few ]–2—–1h2—-] —–2—–2——-]—–2—–2——-] times, ]–2————] –0—–0———-]–0—–0———-] then ]–0————] ——————-]——————-] ]—————]
Part 1:
A D9/F# D9/E E
]—-0——-0–]—-0——0–]—-0——0–]—-0———-] ]–2——-2—-]–3——3—-]–3——3—-]–0———0–] ]–2——-2—-]–2——2—-]–2——2—-]–1—–1h2—-] ]—————]————–]————–]—————] ]–0—–0——]————–]————–]—————] ]—————]–2—-2——]–0—-0——]–0—0——–]
Part 2:
A F# Bm E
—-0———-]—-2———–]—-2———]—-0———-] –2——-2p0–]————-2–]–3——3p2–]–0———0–] –2——-2—-]–3——3h4—-]–4——4—-]–1—–1^2—-] —————]–4————-]————–]—————] –0—–0——]—————-]–2—-2——]—————] —————]–2—-2——–]————–]–0—0——–]
Part 3:
C#m7 F#m7 Bm E
–4–4–4–4–]—-2——2–]—-2———]—-0———-] –5–5–5–5–]———2—-]–3——3p2–]–0———0–] –4–4–4–4–]–2——2—-]–4——4—-]–1—–1^2—-] ————–]–2———–]————–]—————] –4–4–4–4–]————–]–2—-2——]—————] ————–]–2—-2——]————–]–0—0——–]
————–]–5—-] –2–2–2–2–]–2—-] –2–2–2–2–]–2—-] –2–2–2–2–]–2—-] –0–0–0–0–]–0—-] ————–]——-]
Happy playing!
Geir Fuskeland
[email protected]
Before You Accuse Me
(Obvously a 12 bar blues in E )
Before you accuse me, take a look at yourself
Before you accuse me, take a look at yourself
You say I’ve been spending my money on other women
You been taking money from someone else
I called your mama ’bout three or four nights ago
I called your mama ’bout three or four nights ago
Well your mother said Son
Don’t call my daughter no more
Before you accuse me, take a look at yourself
Before you accuse me, take a look at yourself
You say I’ve been spending my money on other women
You been taking money from someone else
Come back home baby, try my love one more time
Come back home baby, try my love one more time
If I don’t go on and quit you
I’m gonna lose my mind
Before you accuse me, take a look at yourself
You say I’ve been spending my money on other women
You been taking money from someone else
Hey hey – Eric Clapton (Unplugged)
This is the 12-bar blues pattern that repeats all through the song.
I don’t think it’s all correct, but it sounds pretty good to me.
The vocal part follows the same pattern, only simpler.
(basically just the bass string and small fill-ins)
This is not to hard to figure out if you listen to the CD
E (E7)
]—————]—-9—9——]—————]—-9—9——] ]——–8——]—-8—8-8—-]——–8——]—-8—8-8—-] ]————9–]————9–]————9–]————9–] ]—————]—————]—————]—————] ]2/7————]—————]2/7————]—————] ]—-0—0—0–]0—0—0—0–]—-0—0—0–]0—0—0—0–]
]——–3—2–]—-3-3—–2–]—————]—-9—9——] ]——2—2—5]–2——-2—5]——–8——]—-8—8-8—-] ]—————]—————]————9–]————9–] ]—————]—————]—————]—————] ]7–0—0—0–]0—0—0—0–]2/7————]—————] ]—————]—————]—-0—0—0–]0—0—0—0–]
B7 A ]3 ] E ]3 ] ]—-5-5-7-5—-]—-3p2-2——]—-4-0—–2p0-]0—–0-0—–] ]–4————]–2—-5–5—-]–0————2]——0-0—–] ]—————]—————]1—————]——1-1—–] ]4—4—4—4–]2—2—2—2–]—————-]————–] ]—————]—————]—————-]–0h2———] ]—————]—————]0—0—0—0—]0————-]
Version 1
Tears In Heaven
by Eric Clapton
] A E/G# ]F#m A] D A ] E ] Would you know my name if I saw you in Heaven
] A E/G# ]F#m A] D A ] E ] Would it be the same if I saw you in Heaven
] F#m ] C#/H ] Em ] F# ] I must be strong and carry on
] Bm ]E7sus E7 ] A E/G# ] Cause I know I don’t belong here in heaven
] F#m A ] D E7sus E7] A ]
Would you hold my hand, if I saw you in heaven
Would you help me stand, if I saw you in heaven
I’ll find my way through night and day
`Cause I know I just can’t stay here in heaven.
] C G/B ] Am D ] G D ] Em D G ] Time can bring you down Time can bend your knees
] C G/B ] Am D ] G D ] E ] Time can break your heart Have you beggin please beggin please
Instrumental of first two lines, then:
] F#m ] C#/H ] Em ] F# ] Beyond the door, there’s peace for sure
] Bm ]E7sus E7 ] A E/G# ] And I know there’ll be no more tears in heaven.
] F#m A ] D E7sus E7] A ]
Repeat 1st verse
] Bm ]E7sus E7 ] A E/G# ] Cause I know I don’t belong here in heaven
] F#m A ] D E7sus E7] A ]
Fingerpick it [2 beats per pattern]. There are a couple of places where achord
Only gets 1 beat -Just squeeze the chord pluck the 4 strings simultaneously.
Finger both the E/G# and the C#/H chords in a open D chord shape
With the thumb wrapped around to the 6th string. Like this:
C#/H The E/G# is the same thing played at the
–X-X—— 4th fret
T ] ] 1 ] 2
] ] ] ] 3 ]
>] F#m ] C#/H ] Em ] F# ] > I must be strong and carry on
The Em sounds much better if you add a C# with your pinky
(2nd fret at the B string)
Version 2
Tears In Heaven (Eric Clapton)
Below are my attempt to reproduce the two main riffs in Tears
Of Heaven off Eric Clapton’s unplugged album. There is really
Only one figuring which is a reach which is the A to Esus2.
]_]_]_]_]_] ]_]_1_1_1_1
]_]_]_]_]_] 2_]_]_3_]_] ] ] ] ] 4 ]
Play the A as a partial barre add other three fingers to construct the Esus2.
Tears In Heaven (Eric Clapton)
Lick 1: (The Verse)
A Esus2 F#m F#m/E D A E
E ———————————————————————
B ———-2—5—–2———2———3-3-2-02———————
G ————2-4——-2——-2-2——-2——–2——-1—2—4—
D ———-2—–2—4—4———4—0—–2——2—–2———–
A ——–0—————–4———4——-0———-2—2-4—5—
E –0-2-4——-4—0-2——-0————————0———0—0-
Would you know my name…
A Esus2/G# F#m F#m/E D A E
E —————-2—————————————————–
B ————2—–5———————–3-3-2-0———————
G ————–2——-2———–2—–2—–2—-2——-1—2—4–
D ———-2———2—–4———2-0——-2——2—–2———-
A ——–0——————-4—-4————0———-2—2-4—5–
E –0-2-4———4—–2——–0———————–0———0—0
F#m C#/F Em/G F# Bm E
E ———————————————————————
B ———0——————————–0—2—-3—————–
G —–2-2—1————0-0-2—–3—————-4-4-4—1———
D —–4—–3-3———-2———4-4————–4—–4-2———
A —4———–4——2———–4—4————2——-2———
E -2——-2-1—–1–3————-2—–2—2—2———-0———
Lick 2:
C G F Em G
E ———–0-0——————————————————-
B —————3—1——-1—3-0—–3——-0———————
G ———0——-0—2—–2—–0—2—0-0-2———————–
D ———————–2—–0—–0—–2—————————
A -0-2-3-3——-2—0—–0—————2—————————
E —————————2—–3—2—0—2-3———————
Time will bend your knees…
Version 3
Most detailed
Tears In Heaven (Unplugged)
Eb EbP
–]—————-]—————-]—————-]—————-] –]—-232-5—5-2-]—2—2—-2—]3—3—3—3—]2—2—2—2—] –]——-24—4-2-]—2—2—-2—]2—2—2—1—]2—2—2—2—] –]–2————-]—————-]—————-]—————-] –]0—————]—————-]—————-]0-0—0—0—0-] 02]——–4-4—2-]-2—2-0–0—0-]2-2—2-0—0—]—————-]
]—5/75———] 2nd guitar ]——-5/75—5-] part ]———–4/6–] ` ]—————-] ]—————-] ]—————-] Eb EbP Eb
–]—————-]—————-]————0—]—————-] –]—-232-5—5-2-]—2—2—-2—]3—3—2-3—0-]–0—2—-3—-] –]——-24—4-2-]—2—2—-2—]2—2—2—–1-]–1—2—-4—-] –]–2————-]—————-]0-0—0———]—————-] –]0—————]—————-]—————-]——–4/5—–] 02]——–4-4—2-]-2—2-0–0—0-]————–0-]0—0———–] Would you know my name if I saw you in Heaven
]—2-4-45–4-2-0] 2nd guitar ]—————-] part ]—————-] ]—————-] ]—————-] ]—————-] EbP Eb
]—————-]—————-]————0—]—————-] ]2—232-5—5-2-]—2—2—-2—]3—3—2-3—0-]–0—2—-3—-] ]2——24—4-2-]—2—2—-2—]2—2—2—–1-]–1—2—-4—-] ]—————-]—————-]0-0—0———]—————-] ]–0————-]—————-]—————-]——–4/5—–] ]——–4-4—2-]-2—2-0–0—0-]————–0-]0—0———–] Would it be the same if I saw you in Heaven
]—-2—–2—–]—-1—–1—–]—-0—–0—–]—————-] ]–2—–2—–2-]–2—–2—–2-]–3—–3—–3-]—————-] ]–2—–2—–2-]–1—–1—–1-]–0—–0—–0-]3—3—-4—6–] ]—————-]—————-]—————-]4—4—-4—6–] ]—————-]—————-]—————-]—————-] ]2—–2—–2—]1—–1—–1—]0—–0—–0—]–2—2/4-4/6—] I must be strong and carry on Cause I
]—————-]—————-] ]—-3—–3—3-]3-3—3———] ]—-2—–2—2-]2-2—2———] ]–4—–4—–4-]2-2—2———] ]2—–2—–2—]—————-] ]—————-]—————-] know I don’t belong here in heaven ………
Before the next verse the part of the 2nd guitar goes like this:
Eb Eb EbP P
]—————-] ]—-232———] ]–24—42——-] ]24——-42—–] ]—————-] ]—————-]
–]—————-]——–2—2—]—————-]————–] –]—-1——-1—]—-1—3—3–2]—-2——-2—]—-2–1–1—] –]—-0——-0—]—-0—2—2–0]—-0——-0—]—-0–0–0—] –]–2——-2—–]–2—–0-0-0–0]—-0—–0—–]–0—-2–2—] 02]3—–3-2—–2-]0—————]—————-]————–] –]—————-]—————3]–3—3-2—–2-]0——0–2—] Time can bring you down Time can bend your knees
]—————-]——–2—2—]—————-]————–] ]—-1——-1—]—-1—3—3–2]—-2—3—3—]0—0—2—-3] ]—-0——-0—]—-0—2—2–0]—-0—2—2—]3—3—2—-4] ]–2——-2—–]–2—–0-0-0–0]—-0———–]————–] ]3—–3-2—–2-]0—————]—————-]———-4/5-] ]—————-]—————3]–3—3-2-2—2-]0-0—0——-] time can break your heart Have you beggin please beggin please
Lonely Stranger – I think this is real close.
E —————2———0——0—————–
B —————2———0——0—————–
G —–0h1——-2———2–2—1–< couple of >—
D ——————————–2–< strums >—
A ————4——–3———-2—————–
E —0—–0——–0————-0—————–
Or as another contributor posted (I don’t know which is best?)
E F#m7 (slap strings) F# E repeat it.
Thanks guys good job we have almost the entire CD
This is a great interactive Net when everyone chips in and helps.
I’d like to see more interactive participation like this project
Can anyone post the others?
Thanks to the many contributors
Signe : Attached Thanks to Geir Fuskeland
Before You Accuse me Attached
Hey Hey Attached
Tears in Heaven Attached
Lonely Stranger Attached
Nobody Knows You … Attached
Layla Attached
Running On Faith Attached
Walking Blues Anyone out there got it??????
Alberta Attached
SF Bay Blues Attached
Malted Milk……………Anyone ????
Old Love Attached
Rolling and Tumbling .Anyone ????
SIGNE -Eric Clapton (Unplugged)
The hard part of this song is to get the timing right.
Start by playing the chords only when listening to the CD.
Then, add the bass notes, and finally the hammer-on’s and pull-off’s.
I don’t remember the exact order of the parts, but you’ll find out.
(Try: Intro, Part 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 3, 3, 1, 1, End )
————–0—-]————–0—-] play ]—————] —–2—–0——-]—–2—–0——-] this ]–2———0–] —–2—–1——-]—–2—–1——-] a few ]–2—–1h2—-] —–2—–2——-]—–2—–2——-] times, ]–2————] –0—–0———-]–0—–0———-] then ]–0————] ——————-]——————-] ]—————]
Part 1:
A D9/F# D9/E E
]—-0——-0–]—-0——0–]—-0——0–]—-0———-] ]–2——-2—-]–3——3—-]–3——3—-]–0———0–] ]–2——-2—-]–2——2—-]–2——2—-]–1—–1h2—-] ]—————]————–]————–]—————] ]–0—–0——]————–]————–]—————] ]—————]–2—-2——]–0—-0——]–0—0——–]
Part 2:
A F# Bm E
—-0———-]—-2———–]—-2———]—-0———-] –2——-2p0–]————-2–]–3——3p2–]–0———0–] –2——-2—-]–3——3h4—-]–4——4—-]–1—–1^2—-] —————]–4————-]————–]—————] –0—–0——]—————-]–2—-2——]—————] —————]–2—-2——–]————–]–0—0——–]
Part 3:
C#m7 F#m7 Bm E
–4–4–4–4–]—-2——2–]—-2———]—-0———-] –5–5–5–5–]———2—-]–3——3p2–]–0———0–] –4–4–4–4–]–2——2—-]–4——4—-]–1—–1^2—-] ————–]–2———–]————–]—————] –4–4–4–4–]————–]–2—-2——]—————] ————–]–2—-2——]————–]–0—0——–]
————–]–5—-] –2–2–2–2–]–2—-] –2–2–2–2–]–2—-] –2–2–2–2–]–2—-] –0–0–0–0–]–0—-] ————–]——-]
Happy playing!
Geir Fuskeland
[email protected]
Before You Accuse Me
(Obvously a 12 bar blues in E )
Before you accuse me, take a look at yourself
Before you accuse me, take a look at yourself
You say I’ve been spending my money on other women
You been taking money from someone else
I called your mama ’bout three or four nights ago
I called your mama ’bout three or four nights ago
Well your mother said Son
Don’t call my daughter no more
Before you accuse me, take a look at yourself
Before you accuse me, take a look at yourself
You say I’ve been spending my money on other women
You been taking money from someone else
Come back home baby, try my love one more time
Come back home baby, try my love one more time
If I don’t go on and quit you
I’m gonna lose my mind
Before you accuse me, take a look at yourself
You say I’ve been spending my money on other women
You been taking money from someone else
Hey hey – Eric Clapton (Unplugged)
This is the 12-bar blues pattern that repeats all through the song.
I don’t think it’s all correct, but it sounds pretty good to me.
The vocal part follows the same pattern, only simpler.
(basically just the bass string and small fill-ins)
This is not to hard to figure out if you listen to the CD
E (E7)
]—————]—-9—9——]—————]—-9—9——] ]——–8——]—-8—8-8—-]——–8——]—-8—8-8—-] ]————9–]————9–]————9–]————9–] ]—————]—————]—————]—————] ]2/7————]—————]2/7————]—————] ]—-0—0—0–]0—0—0—0–]—-0—0—0–]0—0—0—0–]
]——–3—2–]—-3-3—–2–]—————]—-9—9——] ]——2—2—5]–2——-2—5]——–8——]—-8—8-8—-] ]—————]—————]————9–]————9–] ]—————]—————]—————]—————] ]7–0—0—0–]0—0—0—0–]2/7————]—————] ]—————]—————]—-0—0—0–]0—0—0—0–]
B7 A ]3 ] E ]3 ] ]—-5-5-7-5—-]—-3p2-2——]—-4-0—–2p0-]0—–0-0—–] ]–4————]–2—-5–5—-]–0————2]——0-0—–] ]—————]—————]1—————]——1-1—–] ]4—4—4—4–]2—2—2—2–]—————-]————–] ]—————]—————]—————-]–0h2———] ]—————]—————]0—0—0—0—]0————-]
Version 1
Tears In Heaven
by Eric Clapton
] A E/G# ]F#m A] D A ] E ] Would you know my name if I saw you in Heaven
] A E/G# ]F#m A] D A ] E ] Would it be the same if I saw you in Heaven
] F#m ] C#/H ] Em ] F# ] I must be strong and carry on
] Bm ]E7sus E7 ] A E/G# ] Cause I know I don’t belong here in heaven
] F#m A ] D E7sus E7] A ]
Would you hold my hand, if I saw you in heaven
Would you help me stand, if I saw you in heaven
I’ll find my way through night and day
`Cause I know I just can’t stay here in heaven.
] C G/B ] Am D ] G D ] Em D G ] Time can bring you down Time can bend your knees
] C G/B ] Am D ] G D ] E ] Time can break your heart Have you beggin please beggin please
Instrumental of first two lines, then:
] F#m ] C#/H ] Em ] F# ] Beyond the door, there’s peace for sure
] Bm ]E7sus E7 ] A E/G# ] And I know there’ll be no more tears in heaven.
] F#m A ] D E7sus E7] A ]
Repeat 1st verse
] Bm ]E7sus E7 ] A E/G# ] Cause I know I don’t belong here in heaven
] F#m A ] D E7sus E7] A ]
Fingerpick it [2 beats per pattern]. There are a couple of places where achord
Only gets 1 beat -Just squeeze the chord pluck the 4 strings simultaneously.
Finger both the E/G# and the C#/H chords in a open D chord shape
With the thumb wrapped around to the 6th string. Like this:
C#/H The E/G# is the same thing played at the
–X-X—— 4th fret
T ] ] 1 ] 2
] ] ] ] 3 ]
>] F#m ] C#/H ] Em ] F# ] > I must be strong and carry on
The Em sounds much better if you add a C# with your pinky
(2nd fret at the B string)
Version 2
Tears In Heaven (Eric Clapton)
Below are my attempt to reproduce the two main riffs in Tears
Of Heaven off Eric Clapton’s unplugged album. There is really
Only one figuring which is a reach which is the A to Esus2.
]_]_]_]_]_] ]_]_1_1_1_1
]_]_]_]_]_] 2_]_]_3_]_] ] ] ] ] 4 ]
Play the A as a partial barre add other three fingers to construct the Esus2.
Tears In Heaven (Eric Clapton)
Lick 1: (The Verse)
A Esus2 F#m F#m/E D A E
E ———————————————————————
B ———-2—5—–2———2———3-3-2-02———————
G ————2-4——-2——-2-2——-2——–2——-1—2—4—
D ———-2—–2—4—4———4—0—–2——2—–2———–
A ——–0—————–4———4——-0———-2—2-4—5—
E –0-2-4——-4—0-2——-0————————0———0—0-
Would you know my name…
A Esus2/G# F#m F#m/E D A E
E —————-2—————————————————–
B ————2—–5———————–3-3-2-0———————
G ————–2——-2———–2—–2—–2—-2——-1—2—4–
D ———-2———2—–4———2-0——-2——2—–2———-
A ——–0——————-4—-4————0———-2—2-4—5–
E –0-2-4———4—–2——–0———————–0———0—0
F#m C#/F Em/G F# Bm E
E ———————————————————————
B ———0——————————–0—2—-3—————–
G —–2-2—1————0-0-2—–3—————-4-4-4—1———
D —–4—–3-3———-2———4-4————–4—–4-2———
A —4———–4——2———–4—4————2——-2———
E -2——-2-1—–1–3————-2—–2—2—2———-0———
Lick 2:
C G F Em G
E ———–0-0——————————————————-
B —————3—1——-1—3-0—–3——-0———————
G ———0——-0—2—–2—–0—2—0-0-2———————–
D ———————–2—–0—–0—–2—————————
A -0-2-3-3——-2—0—–0—————2—————————
E —————————2—–3—2—0—2-3———————
Time will bend your knees…
Version 3
Most detailed
Tears In Heaven (Unplugged)
Eb EbP
–]—————-]—————-]—————-]—————-] –]—-232-5—5-2-]—2—2—-2—]3—3—3—3—]2—2—2—2—] –]——-24—4-2-]—2—2—-2—]2—2—2—1—]2—2—2—2—] –]–2————-]—————-]—————-]—————-] –]0—————]—————-]—————-]0-0—0—0—0-] 02]——–4-4—2-]-2—2-0–0—0-]2-2—2-0—0—]—————-]
]—5/75———] 2nd guitar ]——-5/75—5-] part ]———–4/6–] ` ]—————-] ]—————-] ]—————-] Eb EbP Eb
–]—————-]—————-]————0—]—————-] –]—-232-5—5-2-]—2—2—-2—]3—3—2-3—0-]–0—2—-3—-] –]——-24—4-2-]—2—2—-2—]2—2—2—–1-]–1—2—-4—-] –]–2————-]—————-]0-0—0———]—————-] –]0—————]—————-]—————-]——–4/5—–] 02]——–4-4—2-]-2—2-0–0—0-]————–0-]0—0———–] Would you know my name if I saw you in Heaven
]—2-4-45–4-2-0] 2nd guitar ]—————-] part ]—————-] ]—————-] ]—————-] ]—————-] EbP Eb
]—————-]—————-]————0—]—————-] ]2—232-5—5-2-]—2—2—-2—]3—3—2-3—0-]–0—2—-3—-] ]2——24—4-2-]—2—2—-2—]2—2—2—–1-]–1—2—-4—-] ]—————-]—————-]0-0—0———]—————-] ]–0————-]—————-]—————-]——–4/5—–] ]——–4-4—2-]-2—2-0–0—0-]————–0-]0—0———–] Would it be the same if I saw you in Heaven
]—-2—–2—–]—-1—–1—–]—-0—–0—–]—————-] ]–2—–2—–2-]–2—–2—–2-]–3—–3—–3-]—————-] ]–2—–2—–2-]–1—–1—–1-]–0—–0—–0-]3—3—-4—6–] ]—————-]—————-]—————-]4—4—-4—6–] ]—————-]—————-]—————-]—————-] ]2—–2—–2—]1—–1—–1—]0—–0—–0—]–2—2/4-4/6—] I must be strong and carry on Cause I
]—————-]—————-] ]—-3—–3—3-]3-3—3———] ]—-2—–2—2-]2-2—2———] ]–4—–4—–4-]2-2—2———] ]2—–2—–2—]—————-] ]—————-]—————-] know I don’t belong here in heaven ………
Before the next verse the part of the 2nd guitar goes like this:
Eb Eb EbP P
]—————-] ]—-232———] ]–24—42——-] ]24——-42—–] ]—————-] ]—————-]
–]—————-]——–2—2—]—————-]————–] –]—-1——-1—]—-1—3—3–2]—-2——-2—]—-2–1–1—] –]—-0——-0—]—-0—2—2–0]—-0——-0—]—-0–0–0—] –]–2——-2—–]–2—–0-0-0–0]—-0—–0—–]–0—-2–2—] 02]3—–3-2—–2-]0—————]—————-]————–] –]—————-]—————3]–3—3-2—–2-]0——0–2—] Time can bring you down Time can bend your knees
]—————-]——–2—2—]—————-]————–] ]—-1——-1—]—-1—3—3–2]—-2—3—3—]0—0—2—-3] ]—-0——-0—]—-0—2—2–0]—-0—2—2—]3—3—2—-4] ]–2——-2—–]–2—–0-0-0–0]—-0———–]————–] ]3—–3-2—–2-]0—————]—————-]———-4/5-] ]—————-]—————3]–3—3-2-2—2-]0-0—0——-] time can break your heart Have you beggin please beggin please
Lonely Stranger – I think this is real close.
E —————2———0——0—————–
B —————2———0——0—————–
G —–0h1——-2———2–2—1–< couple of >—
D ——————————–2–< strums >—
A ————4——–3———-2—————–
E —0—–0——–0————-0—————–
Or as another contributor posted (I don’t know which is best?)
E F#m7 (slap strings) F# E repeat it.