PRAYER – Disturbed
By: SilverCan
Tuning: Down 1/2 step and Drop D (Db Ab Db Gb Bb Eb)
Intro: (play twice) (not really sure here, but this sounds ok)
Verse: (i think it’s just the open Db string repeatedly, but you can
play it like this)
Chorus: (keep pinky on highest note when possible, makes chords
tie together really easy)
Chorus ends on this chord: (x133xx) played repeatedly
Break/Interlude: (after 1st time thru repeat same pattern
with power chords) (* = palm mute)
* * *
Chorus then played twice, then play Chorus variation:
Chorus Variation: (slide to all these chords)
|—8–8–x-8–8–x-8–8—3—3—5—5—5-53-3-/— repeat -|
Ending: x133xx or 888xxx repeatedly, and then 00xxxx palm muted.
The End…