On Every Street – Dire Straits
Notes: This is truly a beautiful piece of playing on Knopfler`s part.
The bracketed notes are ghost notes, which sound out the melody. Try
subdividing the bass part slightly, to prevent the notes from over-
sustaining, and let the melody ring a little louder and longer. Not easy.
Does anyone out there know how to play the intro to "Wild West End"?.
If someone does, I would love to see it.
Regards: Guy Luke.
On Every Street
Ostinato Outro Riff
F G6 D/F# Em7 F Em
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Gsus4 G
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Notes: This is truly a beautiful piece of playing on Knopfler`s part.
The bracketed notes are ghost notes, which sound out the melody. Try
subdividing the bass part slightly, to prevent the notes from over-
sustaining, and let the melody ring a little louder and longer. Not easy.
Does anyone out there know how to play the intro to "Wild West End"?.
If someone does, I would love to see it.
Regards: Guy Luke.
On Every Street
Ostinato Outro Riff
F G6 D/F# Em7 F Em
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Gsus4 G
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